Sunday, October 11, 2009

Paper Topics

I sat down last night and finished a first copy of my paper, and I had sveral topic ideas to pick from. Here are a few I didn't use if anyone is scrambling to think of something.

- Death haunted by humans (last line of the story)
- Death hating death
- Relationship between Liesel and the accordion
- Rudy and the teddy bear
- Michael Holtzapfel's life and death
- A sympathy with Liesel and Rudy that makes Allied bombers seem like "the bad guys"
- Death's emotions
- A world without words

Those are some topics I considered trying to form into a paper but I decided on another. So feel free to use, tweak, or modify any of these for your own papers.

Good luck.

1 comment:

  1. Liesel and the accordian? How could you possibly make that connection? I'm curious!
