Saturday, October 17, 2009

Fight Club

To anyone that has never, or has not within a good amount of time seen the movie "Fight Club," I strongly encourage you make the investment to. If you don't mind, or at least can hold out, through a few R rated scenes. Theres a decent amount of blood and a sex scene, coupled with some other stuff the squeamish may turn away from. But the overall idea, story and concept are fantastic in my opinion. Guy's will definately take more away from it as one line says something along the lines of "...we live in a world raised by women, I wonder if another woman is the answer we really need." But at any rate it's a great movie. My very favorite. I'd recommend checking it out.



  1. I fall asleep whenever I watch this movie. But I really do like that one guy--what's his name?

  2. Dude, I totally agree. Fight Club is a great movie. It's one of my favorites also.

  3. Thats one movie i have always wanted to see but never got around to it. I'm renting it this weekend and watching it with my girlfriend. She put me through PS. I Love You last weekend now its time for an action film. :)

  4. I love fight club! I've never seen the movie but the book is fantastic. I would say for you to check out more of Chuck Palnuick's (pretty sure i spelled his last name wrong) work. Its a very graphic, gruesome, storyline in all of his work. My absolute favorite is Rant, the best part is that once you read it through the first time and you read it a second time the meaning changes drastically.
