Saturday, October 24, 2009

Paranormal Activity

I went and saw Paranormal Activity friday after a got home from class at the 10:40 showing, it was definitely worth the $5 I paid for the ticket, but I haven't had a good nights sleep since. haha. If you like scary movies GO SEE IT.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Midterm Evaluation

Last year at Edsel Ford High School I took AP Literature for my English class. I believe that class did a pretty good job preparing me for college writing in most aspects. However, I am learning that there is still a fairly big gap and many differences between the high school writing (even AP) and college level writing. One rule that I learned in high school that I am still having trouble getting over is the use of "I" in an essay. For four years, if not more in my pre-high school years, I was taught to NEVER use "I" of "me" in a paper. I never really understood why but after following the rule for so long I'm having trouble breaking free of it when I write formal papers. Even in just the short amount of time I've been in this class I have learned a lot about, and improved, my writing skills. Some specific things I have learned are analyzing literature more in depth, how to argue my opinions and support them, and I have learned about blogging. A few things I really like about this class, that I did not expect before we started, are The Book Thief, which was a story I really enjoyed, and also just how much we learn about WWII. In the past English classes were always about writing and reading... not really learning anything... just writing and reading. In a few months in this class I have learned more about writing and WWII than I have in years of other classes. So, overall, this class has been a very fluid transition for me, and I don't really have any complaints about it at all.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Fight Club

To anyone that has never, or has not within a good amount of time seen the movie "Fight Club," I strongly encourage you make the investment to. If you don't mind, or at least can hold out, through a few R rated scenes. Theres a decent amount of blood and a sex scene, coupled with some other stuff the squeamish may turn away from. But the overall idea, story and concept are fantastic in my opinion. Guy's will definately take more away from it as one line says something along the lines of "...we live in a world raised by women, I wonder if another woman is the answer we really need." But at any rate it's a great movie. My very favorite. I'd recommend checking it out.


Sunday, October 11, 2009

Paper Topics

I sat down last night and finished a first copy of my paper, and I had sveral topic ideas to pick from. Here are a few I didn't use if anyone is scrambling to think of something.

- Death haunted by humans (last line of the story)
- Death hating death
- Relationship between Liesel and the accordion
- Rudy and the teddy bear
- Michael Holtzapfel's life and death
- A sympathy with Liesel and Rudy that makes Allied bombers seem like "the bad guys"
- Death's emotions
- A world without words

Those are some topics I considered trying to form into a paper but I decided on another. So feel free to use, tweak, or modify any of these for your own papers.

Good luck.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Whitetail Season

Deer hunting season has began in Michigan. I don't know if there are any other hunters in the class but I'm excited to get out there. I could be wrong but Frank, you look like a hunter with that camo hat. lol. Let me know if I'm right, and good luck.
