Thursday, November 12, 2009

Quick Write - The White Rose

I find it very hard to imagine myself in the place of the members of the The White Rose Resistance. To openly oppose the Nazi regime in Germany during the time was suicide. I find the methods that The White Rose Resistance used extremely honorable. Using non-violent resistance, and accepting their fate after capture is something I could not have done. Similar to the Jews in hiding during the time, I would have rather fought back in combat than be driven crazy in a small, dark attic for months straight. To lose control of my own freedom is something I would be unable to do. I would rather fight and die a free man, than hide and be imprisoned. As Hans cried out before his execution "Long live freedom!" I simply do not have the patience for non-violent resistance. To sit and wait hoping for others to hear my message and accept it. To hide in an attic and wait for liberation to come, knowing that I could be found at any minute. Many answered the call for resistance in a different way, The Partisans for example, I find extremely interesting. At the moment, I believe I will choose The Partisans for my research paper. I am a hunter, and a strong supporter of the Second Amendment. If I was forced to give up the right to bear arms I would feel defenseless. I would feel like a prisoner to the government. People have not only the right, but an obligation to oppose a corrupt government. As The Partisans did, people need to fight their country. Because it is their country, just as much as Nazi Germany was Hitler's, Germany belonged to each and every Jew who lived there. And those who chose to conform or hide are cowards. They let the Holocaust happen, they let The White Rose Resistance be executed, they accepted Nazi Germany, when they should have fought back.

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