Monday, September 21, 2009

Winston Churchill

On June 18th of 1940, Winston Churchill ended a speech with a quote I find absolutely brilliant. The moral boost this quote must have given the soldiers who heard it is almost unimaginable.

This speech was given to the House of Commons, Prime Minister after a series of events in Europe that leave Britain seemingly solitay against a Nazi Germany war machine that has, so far, steamrolled all who oppose it.

After bringing many events and future predictions to the attention of his audience, Churchill ends his speech with a small phrase that to this day is recycled and used very commonly with little knowledge that it was the infamous Churchill that first said those words. The words are as follows:

"...Let us therefore brace ourselves to our duties, and so bear ourselves that if the British Empire and its Commonwealth last for a thousand years, men will still say, 'This was their finest hour.'"

This quote guarantees the brave British men that entered battle, thereafter, a place in history as the finest of their entire nation. The moral boost acquired from those words must have been enormous. Also, as I mentioned before, the words "finest hour" have been recycled in movies, tv series, and even video games like Call of Duty: Finest Hour. A military shooter based on WWII in Europe.

With an almost endless number of quotes by Winston Churchill, this remains one of my favorites.

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